Monday 6 October 2014

Blog 16 – Classifying the factors of production

Classify the factors of production on the basis of the first two points listed above (tangible and intangible, mode of participation in the productive combination), for the following businesses:
1) “How is made chocolate”
2) “How is made honey”
3) “How is made Pringles”


  1. A) The factors of production in the Chocolate industry:

    Tangible: cacao beans, machinery, package, equipment, sugar, cacao butter, milk, land;
    Intangible: brand, services, labour, reputation of the firm, know-how, skills.

    Non-durable: raw materials as cacao beans, sugar, cacao butter, milk, work, goods;
    Durable: machinery, equipment, property,land, furnishings, brands.

    B) The factors of production in the Honey factory:

    Tangible: honey, wax, jars, machinery, equipment, land;
    Intangible: brand, labour, reputation of the firm, know-how, skills.

    Non-durable: raw materials as honey and waw , labours, goods;
    Durable:machinery, equipment, land, brands, patents.

    C) The factors of production in the Pringles azienda:

    Tangible: water, corn starch, potatos flakes, paper, glue, tinny covers, machinery and equipment, land.
    Intangible:brand, services, labour, reputation of the firm, know-how, skills.

    Non-durable: raw materials as potatos flakes, corn starch, water, paper, etc, works, goods;
    Durable: machinery, equipment, brands, licenses.

  2. Chocolate firm

    -Intangible factors: labour, the brand (chocolates El Rey), skills, know how
    -Tangible products: machinery, equipment, natural ingredients, land, building
    -Non durable factors od production: work, natural ingredients (cacao beans, sugar, milk), confections, other raw materials
    -Durable factors of production: machinery, equipment, property

    Honey firm

    -Intangible factors: labour, brand, skills, know how
    -Tangible factors: machinery, equipment, natural ingredients, bees, land, building
    -Non durable factors: work, natural ingredients (honey), confections, labels and other raw materials
    -Durable factors: machinery, equipment, property, bees

    Pringles firm

    -Intangible factors: labour, the brand, skills, know how
    _tangible factors: machinery, equipment, natural ingredients (potatoes flakes, water, oil, etc.), paper, metal heads, glue, etc.
    -Non durable factors: work, natural ingredients, confections (tubes)
    -Durable factors: machinery, equipment, property

  3. A) Tangible: cacao beans, machinery, package, , equipment, sugar, cacao butter, land, milk.
    Intangible: brand, services, reputation, labour, , know-how, skills.
    Non-durable: raw materials, workers.
    Durable: machinery, equipment, land, furnishings, brand.

    B) Tangible: honey, jars, machinery, equipment, hives ;
    Intangible: brand, labour, reputation, know-how.
    Non-durable: raw materials , labours, goods, workers.
    Durable: machinery, equipment, land, brand, patents.

    C)Tangible: water, corn starch, potatos flakes, paper, glue, tinny covers, machinery and equipment, land.
    Intangible:brand, services, labour, reputation of the firm, know-how, skills.
    Non-durable: raw materials, corn starch, water, paper, workers.
    Durable: machinery, equipment, brand, licenses.

  4. 1) -Tangible factors: machinery,sugar, cacao beans, milk and land;
    -Intangible factors: brand,labour, know-how;
    -Durable factors:machinery, land and brand;
    -non-durable factors: raw materials and natural ingredients.

    2)-Tangible factors: honey,machinery, hives,bees and land;
    -Intangible factors: brand, labour, know-how and skills;
    -Durable factors:machinery, land and brand;
    -Non-durable factors:raw materials, workers and labour.

    3)-Tangible factors: water, machinery,land, potatoes flakes, corn starch;
    -Intangible factors: brand, labour, know-how and skills;
    -Durable factors: machinery, brand and property;
    -Non-durable factors: raw materials, workers and water.

  5. 1) Tangible factors: machinery, equipment, natural ingredients(milk.cocao beans,land)
    Intangible Factors: brand ,labour, services , know-how
    Durable Factors: machinery,land,equipment
    Non-Durable Factors: natural ingredients, raw materials , workers

    2) Tangible Factors:honey,bees,jars,machinery,equipment, natural ingredients
    Intangible Factors:brand,labour,know-how
    Durable Factors:machinery, equipment, land
    NonDurable Factors: raw materials , natural materials ,labour
    Non-Durable Factors:

  6. 1) Chocolate production

    Tangible: cocoa beans, machinery equipments, packaging materials, land
    Intangible: brand, services, labour, firm's value

    Durable: land properties, machines, furnishings
    Non-durable: the raw materials, such as, honey bee, sugar, cocoa butter, milk

    2) Honey production

    Tangible: bees products, the boxes where they are gained
    Intangible: services and other involved

    Durable: bees, land properties, machines and others that usually can be used more than one time in the entire life of the firm
    Non-durable: the honey gained, wax

    3) Pringles productions

    Tangible: potatoes ...
    Intangible: labour, services

    Durable: machiney equipments ...
    Non-durable: raw materials, goods, labour...

  7. Chocolate production

    Intangible factors: labour, services, brand, know-how
    Tangible factors: machinery, equipments, natural ingredients, land
    Durable factors: machinery, equipments, land
    Non- durable factors: raw materials, worker, confection

  8. Emiliano Laurenzi14 October 2014 at 18:56

    A) The production factors of the chocolate factory are:
    Tangible factors: buildings, workers, machinery, packaging materials, equipment, cocoa beans, sugar, butter, milk and labor camps.
    Non-tangible factors: patents, goodwill, installation costs, brand, services, reputation, job, know-how, expertise, collaboration and dissemination of the product.
    Factors durable: machinery, equipment, labor camps, mark.
    Factors nondurable: raw materials, labor, and skills.

    B) The production factors of the honey factory are:
    Tangible factors: buildings, honey, jars, machinery, equipment, bees, land, crates of bees, wax, workers and the labels of the cans.
    Non-tangible factors: patents, goodwill, installation costs, brand, job, reputation, expertise, knowledge, the synergy between the workers and the disclosure of the product.
    Factors durable: machinery, equipment, land and brand.
    Factors nondurable: raw materials, labor, goods, labor, and knowledge.

    C) The factors of production of the factory Pringles are:
    Tangible factors: buildings, water, corn starch, potato flakes, paper, labels, machinery, equipment, land and workers.
    Non-tangible factors: patents, goodwill, installation costs, brand, services, labor, the reputation of the firm, know-how, skills, synergy and disclosure.
    Factors durable: machinery, equipment, mark.
    Factors nondurable: commodities, corn starch, water, paper, and knowledge workers.

    The classification of machinery and equipment as durable goods is true because they offer a service for a big temporal extension and they can be used in more productive cycles. But inevitably they too will face the deterioration, disposal and subsequent replacement.

  9. 1) How is made chocolate
    Tangible: cocoa, machinery, equipment, sugar, milk, packs
    Intangible: brand, services, labour, know-how, skills
    Durable: brand, machinery, equipment, labour, know-how skills,
    Non-durable: cocoa, sugar, milk, packs, services

    2) How is made honey
    Tangible: bees, hives, machinery, equipment, packing material
    Intangible: brand, services, labour, know-how, skills.
    Durable: bees, hives, machibery, equipment, brand, labour, know-how, skills
    Non-durable: packing material, services

    3) How is made Pringles
    Tangible:paper, foil, glue, water, potato flakes, cornstarch, oil, machinery, equipment
    Intangible: brand, services, labour, reputation of the firm, know-how, skills.
    Durable: machinery, equipment, brand, labour, reputation of the firm, know-how, skills
    Non-durable: paper, foil, glue, potato flakes, cornstarch, oil

  10. Observing manufacture of those products: chocolate, honey, Pringles we can classify the production factors in the following way: tangible and intangible but also durable or non-durable.
    We will notice that non-durable products are often those tangible (cocoa, grains, hive of honey, honey, patato flakes, cornstarch ...) and the durable products are intangible (machines, workers, skills, brand , services)

  11. 1) How is made chocolate
    Tangible: machineries, cocoa grains, sugar, milk, packages
    Intangible: labour, brand, services…

    Durable: brand, machinery, services…
    Non-durable: cocoa grains, sugar, labour, milk, packages

    2) How is made honey
    Tangible: machinery, bees, bee hives, the equipment, packing material
    Intangible: services, brand, labour…

    Durable: bees, bee hives, machinery, brand, services
    Non-durable: packing material, labour…

    3) How is made Pringles
    Tangible: paper, foil, glue, water, potato flakes, corn-starch, oil to fry, machinery,
    Intangible: brand, services, labour…

    Durable: machinery, equipment, brand…
    Non-durable: paper, foil, glue, potato flakes, corn-starch, oil to fry, labour

  12. _How is made chocolate?
    Tangible: machinery, equipment, sugar, cocoa, milk. Intangible: brand, labour, skills, services.
    Durable: machinery, equipment, brand, labour, skills, Non-durable: sugar, cocoa, milk, services.

    _How is made honey?
    Tangible: bees, hives, machinery, equipment, packing staff. Intangible: services, labour, skills.
    Durable: bees, hives, machibery, equipment, labour, skills. Non-durable: packing staff, services.

    _How is made Pringles?
    angible: paper, water, potato flakes, oil, machinery, equipment. Intangible: brand, labour, skills, reputation.
    Durable: machinery, equipment, brand, labour, reputation, know-how, skills. Non-durable: paper, potato flakes, oil.

  13. Factors of production for chocolate
    Tangible: machinery, equipment, ingredients, building
    Intangible: brand name,
    Durable:machinery, equipment, building
    non-Durable: ingredients

    Factors of production for honey
    Tangible: machinery, equipment, ingredients, building, bees, honey
    Intangible: skills of employees, brand name
    Durable:machinery, equipment, building
    Non-Durable: ingredients

    Factors of production for Pringles
    Tangible: machinery, equipment, ingredients, building
    Intangible: skills of employees, brand name
    Durable:machinery, equipment, building
    Non-Durable: ingredients, honey, labels

  14. A) How is Chocolate made?

    Tangible assets; Machinery of production, other machinery for communication etc, ingredients such as sugar and cocoa, materials for packaging if not outsourced, Factory

    Intangible Assets; Brand Power, Clientele, Good will, Recipe, Labour, Skills, Reputation, patents

    Durable; Factory, Machinery, workforce, brand, recipe, patents

    Non-Durable; Raw materials, ingerdients

    B) How is honey made?

    Tangible assets; Bees, Hives, equipment, machinery, packaging

    Intangible; Brand, Clientele, Good Will, patents, services, labour

    Durable; Bees, Staff, patents, machinery

    Non-Durable; honey, bee hives

    C) How are pringles made?

    Tangible assets; Ingredients, machinery, packaging

    Intangible assets; brand, labour, patents, skills, good will, recipe

    durable; machinery, recipe, brand, reputation

    Non-Durable; Ingredients, packaging, oil

  15. A) chocolate business:
    Tangible: cacao grains, machinary, equipment, cacao butter, labor, milk, package, land
    intangible: know-how skill, reputation, brend, goodwill
    non durable: raw materials, work, energy
    durable: machinary, land, buildings, brand, equipment
    B) honey business:
    tangible: bees, honey, wax, jar, machinary, land, factory, equipment
    intangible: know-how skill, reputation, brend, goodwill
    non durable: raw materials, work, energy
    durable: machinary, land, buildings, brand, equipment
    C) pringles company
    Tangible: potatos, corn, glue, paper, machinary, equipment, land, buildings
    intangible: know-how skill, reputation, brend, goodwill
    non durable: raw materials, work, energy
    durable: machinary, land, buildings, brand, equipment

    Tangible products: cacao, sugar, butter, milk, equipment and machinery
    Intangible products: services, labour, services, know-how, brand.
    Durable factors: machinery, land , brands.
    Non durable factors: raw materials, goods
    Tangible: honey, machinery, equipment, land, bees
    Intangible: labour, brand, skills, know-how.
    Durable: machinery, brands, property.
    Non durable: raw materials, labour, goods.
    Tangible: water, potatoes, paper, machinery, equipment.
    Intangible: brand, services, labour, know-how.
    Durable: work, confections, raw materials.
    Non durable: machinery, property.

  17. 1) Chocolate
    Tangible factors: machinery, equipment and ingredients (cocoa grains, sugar, milk,butter)
    Intangible factors: brand, labour, know-how
    Durable factors: machinery, equipment, property
    Non durable factors: raw materials, work

    Tangible factors: building, machinery, equipment, land, honey, bees
    Intangible factors: brand, labour, know-how
    Durable factors: equipment, property, land, machinery
    Non durable factors: raw materials, work

    3) Pringles
    Tangible factors: propery, equipment, machinery, ingredients (water, corn starch, potatos flakes), glue, tinny covers...
    Intangible factors: brand, labour, know-how
    Durable factors: machinery, property, equipment
    Non durable factors: raw materials, work

  18. Andrea Gaudiomonte

    Factors of production of the chocolate firm are :
    -Tangible products: machinery, equipment, land, building.
    -Intangible factors: labour, human capital, brand.
    -Non-durable factors of production: work, natural ingredients such as milk, cacao beans and sugar.
    -Durable factors of production: machinery, equipment, property.

    Factors of production of the honey firm are:
    -Tangible factors: machinery, equipment, natural ingredients, land, building.
    -Intangible factors: labour, brand, human capital.
    -Non-durable factors: work, and natural ingredients such as honey.
    -Durable factors: machinery, equipment, property.

    Factors of production of the Pringles firm are:
    -Tangible factors: machinery, equipment, natural ingredients such as potatoes flakes, oil, paper, glue, water ect ect.
    -Intangible factors: labour, the brand, Human capital.
    -Non-durable factors: work, natural ingredients, confections.
    -Durable factors: machinery, equipment, property.

  19. 1) Factors of production in the chocolate industry:
    - Tangible: machinery, land, equipment and ingredients.
    - Intangible: labour, skills, knowledge and developing process.
    - Durable: equipment, machinery and building.
    - Non-durable: work, ingredients and human efforts.

    2) Factor of production in the honey factory:
    - Tangible: machinery, land, equipment, bees and beehive.
    - Intangible : beekeeping process, labour, skills.
    - Durable : buildings, capital and equipment.
    - Non-durable: honey, products for packaging, work.

    3) Factors of production in the Pringles firm:
    - Tangible : machinery, ingredients, cardboard paper, metal and structures.
    - Intangible : labour, brand, human knowledge.
    - Durable: equipment, properties, recipe.
    - Non-durable: raw materials, confections, work efforts.

    tangible: machinery, equipment, packaging, land, natural ingredients
    intangible: labour, services, brand, skills, know-how
    durable:machinery, equipment, brand
    non durable: raw materials (chocolate, milk, vanilla, sugar), workers

    tangible: machinery, equipment, jars, land, bees
    intangible: labour, services, brand, skills, know-how
    durable: machinery, equipment, brand, bees
    non durable: raw materials (honey), workers

    tangible: machinery, equipment, land, natural ingredients
    intangible: labour, services, brand, skills, know-how
    durable: machinery, equipment, brand
    non durable: raw materials ( potatoes, water), workers

  21. Factors of Chocolate production

    Intangible: knowledge,recipe,name of the brand
    Durable:machinery, equipment
    non-Durable: ingredients

    Factors of Honey production

    Tangible: bees,machinery, equipment, ingredients
    Intangible: name of the brand, knowledge
    Durable:machinery, equipment,bees
    Non-Durable: ingredients ,

    Factors of Pringles production

    Tangible: machinery, equipment, ingredients
    Intangible: skills of employees, brand name,recipe
    Durable:machinery, equipment
    Non-Durable: ingredients,labels

  22. 1) Chocolate factory:
    -Tangible: cacao, sugar, butter, milk, machinery, buildings, land.
    -Intangible: labour, skills, know-how, reputation.
    -Durable: machinery, buildings, land.
    -Non durable: raw materials.
    2) Honey factory:
    -Tangible: bees, honey, machinery, land.
    -Intangible: labour, skills, know-how, reputation.
    -Durable: machinery, buildings, land.
    -Non durable: raw materials.
    3) Pringles factory:
    -Tangible: water, potatoes, paper, machinery, buildings, land.
    -Intangible: labour, skills, know-how, reputation.
    -Durable: machinery, building, lands
    -Non durable: raw materials.

  23. Chocolate business:
    Tangible: cacao beans, sugar, butter, milk, machinery, package, equipment, building, land
    Intangible: labour, brand , skills, know-how
    Durable: machinery, equipment, property
    Non durable: workers, raw ingredients

    Honey business:
    Tangible: jars, bees, machinery, equipment, raw ingredients, building, land
    Intangible: labour, brand, skills, know-how
    Durable factors: machinery, property,equipment
    Non durable: workers, raw ingredients, confections, labels

    Pringles business
    Tangible: potatoes, flakes, water, oil, machinery, equipment, paper, metal heads, glue
    Intangible: brand, labour, skills, know-how
    Durable: property, machinery, equipment
    Non durable: workers, raw ingredients, paper tubes

  24. Chocolate
    -Tangible:sugar, butter, milk, cacao beans, machinery, equipments, land, building, package
    -Intangible: Recipe, labour, skills, reputation, know-how, brand
    -Durable: equipment, machinery, property,
    -Non durable: raw materials, workers

    -Tangible: bees, honey, equipment, machinery, land.
    -Intangible: labour, skills, know-how, reputation,
    -Durable: equipment,machinery, buildings, land.
    -Non durable: raw materials, workers


    -Tangible: water, potatoes, paper, land, buildings, machinery
    -Intangible: labour, skills, know-how, reputation, brand
    -Durable: machinery, equipment, building, lands
    -Non durable: raw materials, workers, labels

  25. 1) -Tangible factors: machinery,sugar, cacao beans, milk and land;
    -Intangible factors: brand,labour, know-how;
    -Durable factors:machinery, land and brand;
    -non-durable factors: raw materials and natural ingredients.

    2)-Tangible factors: honey,machinery, hives,bees and land;
    -Intangible factors: brand, labour, know-how and skills;
    -Durable factors:machinery, land and brand;
    -Non-durable factors:raw materials, workers and labour.

    3)-Tangible factors: water, machinery,land, potatoes flakes, corn starch;
    -Intangible factors: brand, labour, know-how and skills;
    -Durable factors: machinery, brand and property;
    -Non-durable factors: raw materials, workers and water.

  26. The factors of production in the Chocolate industry:
    Tangible: cacao beans, machinery, package, equipment, sugar, cacao
    Intangible: brand, services, labour, reputation, skills.
    Non-durable: raw materials as cacao beans, sugar, cacao butter, milk,
    Durable: machinery, equipment, property,land, furnishings, brands.
    The factors of production in the Honey factory:
    Tangible: honey, jars, machinery, equipment,
    Intangible: brand, labour, reputation, skills.
    Non-durable: raw materials, goods;
    Durable:machinery, equipment, land, brands, patents.
    The factors of production in the Pringles azienda:
    Tangible: water, corn starch, potatos, paper, glue,machinery, land.
    Intangible:brand, services, reputation, skills.
    Non-durable: raw materials as potatos flakes, water, paper
    Durable: machinery, equipment, brands, licenses.

  27. Diana Cerquetani25 October 2014 at 18:46

    The factors of production in the Chocolate industry:
    Tangible: cacao beans, machinery, package, equipment, sugar, cacao butter, land, milk.
    Intangible: brand, services, reputation, labour, know-how, skills.
    Non-durable: raw materials, workers.
    Durable: machinery, equipment, land, furnishings, brand.

    The factors of production in the Honey industry:
    Tangible: honey, jars, machinery, equipment, hives.
    Intangible: brand, labour, reputation, know-how.
    Non-durable: raw materials , labours, goods, workers.
    Durable: machinery, equipment, land, brand, patents.

    The factors of productions in the Pringles industry:
    Tangible: water, corn starch, potatos flakes, paper, glue, tinny covers, machinery and equipment, land.
    Intangible: brand, services, labour, reputation of the firm, know-how, skills.
    Non-durable: raw materials, corn starch, water, paper, workers.
    Durable: machinery, equipment, brand, licenses.

  28. Chocolate company
    -Intangible factors: labour, the brand, skills, productivity, services
    -Tangible products: machinery, equipment, natural ingredients, land, building
    -Non durable factors: work, cacao beans, sugar, milk, confections, other raw materials
    -Durable factors: machinery, equipment, property, brand

    Honey company
    -Intangible factors: labour, brand, skills, productivity, services
    -Tangible factors: machinery, equipment, natural ingredients, bees, land, building
    -Non durable factors: work, honey, confections, labels and other raw materials
    -Durable factors: machinery, equipment, property, bees, brand

    Pringles company
    -Intangible factors: labour, brand, skills, productivity, services
    _ tangible factors: machinery, equipment, potatoes flakes, water, oil, paper, metal heads, ect
    -Non durable factors: work, natural ingredients, tubes
    -Durable factors: machinery, equipment, property, brand

  29. chocolate.:
    tangible. cacao beans, machinery, sugar, equipment, cacao, package, land, milk
    brand, labour, services, reputation, skills
    machinery, equipment, land, brand
    non-durable. raw material, cacao, sugar, milk, butter,
    tangible. jars, honey, machinery, equipment,
    intangible. brands, labour, services, skills, reputation
    durable. machinery, land, brand, equipment
    non-durable. raw material, labour, goods, workers
    tangible. corn starch, water, potatoes flakes, paper, covers, machinery, land, equipment, glue
    intangible. brands, services, labour, reputation, skills
    licence, machinery, equipment, brand
    non-durable. raw material, corn starch, water
