Tuesday 21 October 2014

Blog 22 – Strategy

Why strategy is complicated?


  1. Strategy are the ways we go through when we do every thing in our life, from the most plain task to the most difficult one . It can't be a simple think otherwise life would be a straight line path and that is unreal . When we have to do something we can take several kind of paths , each one with different features , more or less troubled. So there are a lot of ways in order to do things and the difficult to choose one of them lies in the fact that if our choosen path has lot of problems we would have the possibility either to change the path or to be mashed by it; but you can change your path only if you have the tools in order to do that, otherwise , like i have already written , you would going to be mashed by the path first taken.

  2. Strategy is complicated because it should take many variables in account. First of all, before planning a strategy, one must know precisely his/her objective, otherwise the strategy wouldn't be effective.
    Moreover, we all operate in an ever-changing environment, so the strategy must be able to adapt itself and even change in time.

  3. The strategy is very complex, because we have too many variables that can influence in negative or positive way the organization. First of all, we live in a changing and uncertain environment and the customers' needs could change,too. So, we have to adapt our strategy to these different aspects in order to obtain and reach the objective and the best goals for all the organization.

  4. as we all know,there are many things will take place but we don't sure when it will happen.therefore we must think about different situation and use different pains to solve it.and then our strategy will be complicated.

  5. Strategy is complicated because it must take into consideration many aspects that could affect its success. We have to find a common solution where many unknown variables of an uncertain environment play an important role. It’s like in math: the more variables we have, the more complex the work will be to arrive to an eventual solution. We also saw that the organizations are inserted in an environment that changes constantly. This means that it is hard not only to find our variables and get to a solution of a present situation, but also to predict eventual future situations with all their new variables that will effect our strategy too.

  6. It's complicated because it considers many point of view and aspects. Finding all the resouces is not simple it's useful having a strategy.

  7. Emiliano Laurenzi22 October 2014 at 13:23

    I start by saying that our whole life is based on strategy. From the time we are small we are forced to make decisions and make choices. Every choice and decision is dictated by common sense and by the strategy. This is because every goal from the smallest to the largest you try to achieve it by implementing a plan, a strategy in order to simplify the path and so to reduce the obstacles and difficulties. So the strategy is the way we act decided based on the variables and external factors that influence our choices and determine the path to take. Now, why the strategy is difficult? Because we have to be skilled and able to modulate our choice, our strategy so that we can always be efficient even when the environment around us changes and shift. So it is important to be flexible and be prepared to change some details in our strategy in order to be always efficient and to achieve our goal.

  8. Strategy is not a group of theories. Strategy is the inborn ability which the perfect manager has. Strategy cannot be tought or learned by reading or studying books about that. It comes from day-to-day experience which each of us has to face. This is why strategy is so complicated and it is not always the same:it depends on how much we want to achieve our objective.

  9. In my mind I think that strategy is really complicated because fundamentally it is a bet with yourself or in some cases for economic entities! But at the same time strategy is the keyword to succeed and to achieve your goals. Unfortunately the success of our strategy does not depend only on us but there are too external variables that can effect the final result of the strategy. Thus the cleverness is to choose the better strategy and to be forward-looking in order to not be let down!

  10. We can define strategy as a prediction made a certain time, with the best elements to evaluate the case, to define the way how to reach an objectives with lot of complex factors that could influence it during the time.
    Obviously strategy is complicated because is always subject to potential changes that could strongly affect the plans. Planning a strategy means that we should consider all the possibility of changes, predicting and try to avoiding them, being aware that we could still be surprised for a revolution that could affect market, environment, customers or simply relationship inside the company. Considering eventual changes while you are planning your strategy is fundamental. You will take into consideration those possibilities and perhaps you'll save, at the beginning, some costs that once you will need money to adapt your strategy they would be useful to get the necessary flexibility in order to be still competent in the market.

  11. i think '' strategy'' is very difficult to explain because it isnot something we can have or we can obtain ,i mean the strategy is a way to take our idea or plan will became possible and successful. A good strategy is not just a good organization but it must have also a good resource and compentence.

  12. Strategy is complicated because when we focus on an objective, we have to think also to operating way, keeping in consideration too many variables.
    Often bigger is our objective, more complicated is the strategy because the factors that could influence the situation are several. If you don't keep in consideration every single eventuality you could have some problems if unpleasant accidents happen.

  13. Strategies are actions a company's management takes to build revenues and increase profits. But it becomes complicated because strategy formulation involves making critical choices -what products or services to sell and where and how to sell them- company management often finds it necessary to prioritize its strategies. For example implementation is a complex process because some strategies require a lengthy series of steps. Specially, a change in strategic direction causes ripple effects of change throughout the organization

  14. The decision of what strategy to pick is always a complicated thing to do, because its what decides the survival of the firm. Each type of market sector in which an azienda fits in has a certain strategy to be determined and fixed for its success. Therefore the one of the main reason for which choosing a strategy is complicated is because there are many things to take into account before picking one for a certain firm.

  15. Strategy is complicated because people that have to handle with it sometime have to follow uncertainty paths. So usually it can be complicated decide between different ways and it can be also more complicated to take decision that go in the opposite direction compared to all the others.

  16. Strategy is complicated because it has to create the better way a business must travel to improve and work good, it has to analise different aspects, and if you make the wrong decision the business could fail.

  17. I think that strategy is quite complicated to applied because of the inability to create the right condition to work with. Sometimes in fact the absence of skills, knowledge, and capabilities make impossible the realization of a strategic plan through whichmake the organization bigger and bigger. Without experience and know-how it's quite impossible operate with strategy under different point of view.

  18. Strategy is complex, because it has to take in consideration many aspects and situations. Even if it analysis and predicts most of the things, it can has to adapt in case of environmental or economical changes. In other words,company's strategy has to adapt and implement short term objectives of the company in a constantly changing environment and also consider company's long term goals.

  19. When is comes to writing the strategy of the business, the owner has to be very careful when figuring out exactly what the strategy of the business should be. Many factors go into the strategy and the owner needs to make sure these factors are 100% as otherwise and slight change can differ the whole strategy of a business. Strategy should be slightly flexible in some places as its like trying to write your life plan things will go wrong and you will hit bumps in the road for this strategy is complicated

  20. To arrive at the aim, all create their own strategy . However, it is complicated , because if it had been a simple thing everyone would put in place and would come to realize what they want without any problems and obstacles.
    To implement a strategy must consider many factors.
    An organization must create something different compared to competitors in order to create added value for the customer.

  21. It is so important in our life have a many strategies. What we need to live in every day life and in the business' life is the strategies, methods, application, but more importantly, you need a winning mentality, an indomitable will and a penchant for uncommon success. This is the right way to becoming a better man first, then a successful entrepreneur.
    If you work with the objective or strategy to improve the lives of others, to donate before you want to receive, you will wait a lifetime of success.

  22. Strategy is in my opinion very important because it has to be able to adapt itself and change if needed because economies are always changing.It is important to find a succesful strategy that allows the business to grow by taking into consideration a percentage of risk that may always arise

  23. The strategy is not simple. It must consider not only the achievement of the objectives, but predict as much as it is possible, many variables that may arise.
    Adopt a strategy that does not consider the variability of the results, has a higher risk of being counterproductive.

  24. Niloofar asked us '' what's your stategy in life?'', when she asked this i realised that everyone has is own stategy to live.In life we must decide everyday because everyone of us have his dream and to reach our dream we must choose everyday and these choices model our life's stategy. Of course as everything the way to get our dream or in this case to keep in life the business isn't easy. Strategy is difficult because you must be able to manage all the situations like for example the change of customer's want or need,the conflict between organizations. Everything changes everyday and everyday the strategy must be strong as more as possible to face all the problems maintaining his decision making autonomy and economicity

  25. When we think about the Strategy we should now that this is a difficult topic. Everyone has a strategy in the life to achieve the objective but many things and aspects could influence the success. Strategy involves many factors that could influence our plans and consequently our life.If we choose to have a strategy we should be able to manage all the situations that could represent something new or different to what we are accustomed. Many changes will occur but it is important to make an effective strategy in order to resolve all the problems.

  26. Strategies require a lot of critical thinking involving a lot of variables. Many factors must be considered when making desicions which are derived from strategies. Social interactions, responsibilities and so on effect our deciding process which is our strategies.
    In businesses the risk is much higher therefore coming up with an acceptable strategy is harder.

  27. I think that strategy is complicated because deals with so many things that are not always predictable. It has to change constantly, even if the objectives is the same, because it's related to the market.

  28. To follow or to make a strategy is complicated because it purpose is to identifies the best target markets for the business based on product or services, including the methods it should use to achieve goals, while staying within budget. Companies generate strategies for each area of business operations. Each strategy consists of short- and long-term plans outlining the methods and activities necessary to reach milestones and goals.

  29. I think strategy is complicated because it is something that you have to study very deeply, As our teacher said, when you think about your strategy you have to know who you are, and you have to think about who you want to be, and where you want to arrive and what you want to achieve. So when you think about strategy you have to study every particular detail of it. A good and studied strategy could make you achieve everything you need and want, also a good strategy of life could let you live in a good way. We can say that a strong strategy could let you do everything.

  30. Strategy is complicated because it's about finding a way to achieve a specific purpose by taking into consideration not only what could determines our success but also our failure. Moreover, it is also about achieving an objective by taking the most advantage as possible from the way you're working.
    In a costantly changing environment and a configuration of scarcity of resources, strategy becomes one of the most complicated requirement for an economic entity.

  31. Well undoubtedly strategy in an organization is complex. It has to take into account many aspects and situations that can eventually change. In fact we live in a society in continuos evolution and this fact can jeopardize our plans. If you are responsable of the strategy in a society it is up to you to analyse, predict or just take into account any possible event that can occur (i.e., a sudden change in the market, an environmental disaster or economical flop). In short, the previously established objective must be achieved even if other conditions change.

  32. The strategy is complicated, because the world itself implies that there may be changes all the time and there is no consistency in this world and we have to adapt and be ready for each of them (it is almost impossible, but we have to reduce the risks to a minimum).

  33. Strategy is important for each of us, because it represents the way of reaching our personal goals and objectives. In the business world it has to respect many parameters, in order to satisfy each stakeholder but meanly the interest of the Azienda itself.
    Strategy is complicated because it is made up of many decisions, taken in an uncertain environment, everything can be reached or lost in only one time.
    Formulating a strategy costs hours and it is the most important work for the top managers, they have to consider infinite factors but they have to keep in mind first their organization's objectives.

  34. To create a strategy that responds perfectly to the objective of an economic entity is indeed no simple, because it is necessary, in addition to the possession of various skills, the knowledge and the awareness of general and internal environment. It should also be noted that the environment is constantly changing with time, contrary to the objective of the company that remains constant, so it is necessary to readjust often the strategy to changing environmental conditions. An additional element of difficulty can be considered its fundamental role in the management of a company, with the responsibilities that this entails.

  35. strategy is complicated because, as we learnt, it is the direction of an organization over the long term so it deals with the uncertainty. it’ s up to the ability and skills of a person who must be able to take decisions while the environment around him/her is changing, who must be ready to risk, manage and solve different problems.

  36. Francesca Di Bari24 October 2014 at 20:26

    There are two types of strategies: short-term and long-term. The first ones are easy to frame , because there are few risks in predicting something in brief span of time. Otherwise I would say about lo-term strategies.
    We begin from a starting point, then there are series of decisions that we need to make in order to reach our goal. The part in the middle is the complicated one. It is necessary to be precise, because all these decisions would be unique to achieve a particular goal at a particular point in time and these decisions are taken in a series.

  37. In my opinion it is difficult because the managers can plan the strategies, but due to external factors they won't be effective. Managers can follow a good procedure to design the strategy, but at the time of implementation it could be not effective. It is especially true for those businesses and industries where the technological frequency of change is very high. Top Level management should include managers and employees of lower levels and they should predict different scenarios, in order to be prepared. This is actually the most difficult and risky part of strategies.

  38. We always dealt with strategy and we always will, since it leads lots of our choices. A good strategy could represent a success allowing people or economic entities reaching, to the best, goals. Obviously it’s the intelligence of people, in this case of managers, that makes the difference between strategies, that’s why a strategy can be considered very complex.
    Strategies are certainly influenced by the environment and its variables, because is the environment itself which gives their organizations their means of survival. Nevertheless, taking into account environmental changes, it’s up to the firm finding out an original and well-structured strategy in order to let the company distinguish themselves from the others. I.g. Ryanair strategy focuses on low cost services, disclosing their weak points, such as luxury, fees on luggage and included services on board, but proving more affordable flights.
    Then we can also state that strategies are complicated because, depending on environment, and representing it a source of threats, like hostile shifts in market demands or the entry of new competitors, they have to be well thought and well managed.

  39. it is difficult, because it is very hard to predict what will happen in the future and the impact of external environment. A single external factor, which has not been considered, or was thought as non important can be very crucial and can determine if the company will succeed or fail. The point is exactly to identify these external factors and this makes it very difficult. A good planned strategy, cannot be good in implementation.

  40. From the decision of an effective strategy depends the success of the firm, and leaving it behind means compromising any other positive aspect that characterizes the firm, because from a winning strategy depends if a good idea could develop properly or not

  41. Strategy is complicated because it is the direction and scope of an organization over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations. Moreover, any group or individual that can affect, or is affected by, the performance as well as strategy of the organization.

  42. I believe a strategy is complicated because its all about finding a way to achieve a specific purpose by taking into consideration not only what could be determine our success but also our failure. In the constant changing environment and a configuration of scarcity of resources,strategy becomes one of the most complicated requirement for an economic entity.

  43. i believe strategy is a very delicate aspect. A strategy when when negatively handled can lead to the downfall of a firm or an individual. However a well planned strategy with an organized management is what makes one successful...

  44. Strategy is very complicated to be identified because of the environmental uncertainty and other reasons. We cannot know what may happen tomorrow.
    A firm could identify its goals and the actions to be done in order to achieve them, its mission, but how can we know what our problems and situation will be? That's why it is important to consider the organization's vision. Plans should be ready in a firm. If something happens a plan should carry it out, if that plan is not able to solve up the problem then another one should be ready to take the plan A place.
    It is not that simple as it could seem. It is very complicated to explain because it includes all the organizations' processes.

  45. To make a strategy is a intricacy process. you should think over all the situation and condition that could be happened , the staff, market company customers and from the view of my point , when you make a strategy the most important thing you thought is how to make a profit, if i make the strategy like this is there a shortage. thus, any person or group or firms or individuals can be affected by a good or bad strategy.

  46. Strategy is very difficult to identify, this because it has to meet al of the firms characteristics and goals. The variables are innumerable. The market could change in any moment so the adopted strategy could result not efficient, so many changes should occur.

  47. Because strategy a main action which can run the business good or bad, it depends that how much strong, effective and efficient strategy you made. Its very important aspect of the business. We can say that key to run a successful business also depends upon stategy.

  48. Strategy refers to future decision defining the organisation's direction and scope in the long run. So it is difficult to fins a "perfect" strategy ; as a firm live in a ever-changing environment it should also consider that its strategy is adaptable to this environment , so it should creat a "flexible" strategy. Before all these a firm must know its objective , otherwise the strategy in somehow will be obsolete. So all the factors above make the strategy process complicated.

  49. Strategy is never complicated. Strategy is many small steps combined together in a way that it leads to strong outcomes. A great company website design always helps the business acing up in their digital marketing strategy which ultimately contributes to its overall strategy.
