Monday 20 October 2014

Blog 20 – Mechanistic & Organic organizational structures

1) Would you rather work in a mechanistic or an organic organization? Why?


  1. I prefer working in an organic structure, because it has a more flexible approach to the continually changing financial and customer environment, so it could be more quickly to make changes. My collegues and I could be also more involved in decision making or problem solving and thanks to this incentive we feel more motivated and imaginative.

  2. I think I would rather work in an organic organization because, in my opinion, it would offer me better chance to keep learning and to undertake always new and stimulating jobs. In fact, I believe that, as it is said, we never cease to learn, not even after the highest levels of education and I think that the best way is learning by direct experience.

  3. I'd like to work in an organic stucture because is environment with high variety ,variability and poorly defined job positions to be able to coordinate with each other ; it has a close relationship with the environment and it has fewer rules respect to a mechanistic organizational structures. Also an organic stucture is the best for me,because the production is adapted to the needs of customers.
    But i think that nowadays the most imporant thing is to find a job and not to worry about in what kind of organization we would work; so we have to adapt to any type of organization.

  4. I'd like to work in an organic organization, since I think there could be more coordination and comunication between collegues and everyone can know and help each other very easily. Moreover the individual can enrich his/her skills by experiencing different roles in the firm, so flexibility is granted.

  5. Young business aspirants like me are full of ideas and different concepts of how must our ideal job look like, so it couldn't obviously correspond to the fixed mentality of the mechanistic organizational structure, but to the doctrines of flexibility and adaptability of the organic one.

  6. Emiliano Laurenzi20 October 2014 at 17:56

    I do not know if I would prefer to work in a mechanistic or an organic structure structur, because they both have strengths and weaknesses. If I worked in a mechanistic structure probably there would be fewer opportunities to make mistakes and more security in what I hve to do in my job but at the same time I find it to perform a monotonous and repetitive, so boring and unrewarding. If I worked in an organic structure I'd probably be more fascinated by my work as involved in jobs that require my knowledge and my skills but at the same time I would be exposed to the risk of mistake and error. Ultimately I think, however, that would prefer to work in an organic structure because if you know to be competent and prepared I would do my job in the best way reducing errors to a minimum, so I would feel rewarded and valued.

  7. Organizational structure plays a major role in the efficiency and effectiveness, because without any structure an organization can´t be run. It would eventually go bankrupt. There would be total chaos among the authorities, but also among the employees they wouldn’t be able to know who is responsible for what sections , it would all just be so mixed up that the total chaos would break out leading to an poor qualitygood or service.

  8. I would personally prefer to work in an organic structure because allow the workers to demonstrate their skills and potentials and at the same time let them interact with management position.
    Mechanistic organization has got different advantages, as example for a new employers, that don't know anything about his new job, starting in a company where all the people are organized in a mechanic system would help them. Disadvantages of this organizations are the low possibilities to discuss with higher position and obviously the chances to get promoted are strictly connected to the ability of the execution of tasks.
    I firmly believe that we can define organic structure like a more futuristic one, where people can exchange opinion and confront themselves even with more important position keep being flexible and ready for any task requested.

  9. I would probably prefer working in an organic organization, because I think that this type would best fit my personality and my job expectations. I would be grate and more efficient and effective, if i had the possibility to show and use my knowledge, making autonomous decisions trusting on my reliability.
    I don' t fell like judging the mechanistic organization as completely wrong or bad one: in some kinds of fields it would better work, for example burocracy or industrial pruduction. In fact, in these particular cases written rules and specific orders can make the employees' life easier as well as the customers' ones.

  10. For my first job i would prefer to work in an organic structure for several reasons: more flexibility, possibility of learning new skills and improve in my job, no monotony and highly adaptive. I think that is important that no worker at the beginning of his career specializes, so he can switch roles at any time.

  11. I would prefer to work in a Organic organizational structure. The reason is that our market (rather our needs) change continuously its features , it is complex and mutable and only a flexible organization can challenge it . A Mechanicistic o.s. can't adapt itself toward new situations in order to achieve its goals and so this organization is not capable to survive [ also can't exist a very mechanicistic o.s. (quote from business notes)].

  12. I would absolutely prefer to work in an organic organizational structure as I love learning and perfectionism. Today young people want to be flexible, they want to learn many things so consequently our choice is maybe to work for a firm that has an organic organizational structure because it offers more open doors and opportunities to learn not just a specific type of job but also the other ones. You have more opportunities to interact with other persons.
    Therefore, mechanistic organizational structures are too rigid and close the door for the employees to learn new things or new jobs. Being controlled is good for the firm but not for an employee (in many ways). Not being free to do what you think is better in order to accomplish the firms' goals is quite stressful and boring. It's like being a robot, you receive orders and you accept them, you are told what to do and how to do it. It's not just physically stressful, it is also morality bad for a worker.
    I would be sad to work in an mechanistic organizational structure because performing what is told to you limit you to grow up professionally.

  13. Organic structure can easily satsfy the needs of a worker, but cannot satisfy in a complete way the needs of an owner.
    Mechanistic is a good way to attempt objectives, having a different consideration of workers.

  14. It depends. Of course if I have strong esteem and self-actualization needs, an organic organization would be the best. I can here better use and show the skills I may have. I could not only better improve my personal development, but even the performance of the organization. In a mechanistic organization, we have less opportunities in decision-making , in personal development and less flexibility.
    But, on the other hand, we may have less stress as we do not have as many responsibilities. I could be better supervised as the spans of control are narrow. Another positive aspect could be there there would be less tension and competition between colleagues as these organizations tend to minimize the impact of different personalities and judgments.

  15. I certainly would prefer to work in a organic organization because, in addition to the well-being resulted from the internal environment more stimulating and interesting, a non-resistant to changes organizational structure gives more value to employees, they will be more involved in decisions, and it encourages exchange and sharing of ideas producing a continued professional growth in its employees.

  16. From my point of view I'd like to work into an organic organization for two mainly reasons: 1)The internal environment, where I should spent my working time, is more stimulating because I am sure that in a certain type of internal environment the employee can be only stimulated to do his/her best, so the growth is guaranteed and maybe a cooperation between colleagues can improve. 2) Considering the risks that market offers because of the continuos change of environment and customer's wants, an organic organization may represent an assurance for the life of the organization and it can protect employees job place..and this last point cannot be neglected in this undefined reality.

  17. In my opinion, according to my personal expectations, I’d prefer to work in an organic organization.
    It would allow me to express my individual point of view and continuously improve my skills; having a great decision-making autonomy is a good way to face better the day-to-day problems and find quickly the right answers. Through expression and idea’s freedom the work place turns into an ideal place where knowledge, independence , autonomy and self-confidence are not only obviously required but also in continuous improvement. On the other hand working in a mechanistic organization surely may detach workers from their work. They have less responsibilities and they’re surely less involved in what they are doing; they’re just finalizing an order due to their responsibility.

  18. i would like a organic job ,because it is more flexibility, improve my skills,more freedom. but it dipends ,Organic structure the employees have more benefit, but its not a good kind for the management or owners.
    Mechanistic isnot good for the employees but it is very useful for owner's interest.

  19. In my opinion it depends on what type of job you aim to achieve in the future. Most small businesses will operate with an organic organisational structure this is due to the fact that the number of staff are limited, with an organic structure this allows staff to help out from time to time other departments of the business where needed, and if they work closely it is easy for them to swap information with the right people when necessary. Organic structures staff are usually all very close to each other which allows them to have a relationship that consists outside of work which means when in work it is important they can work together, even in different departments. Most corporations will run off a mechanistic structure to their business structure being very large with many employees, for this reason it is important that all information is relayed to the managers whom can then pass to other departments as it is a set structure as they may be a possible 100 employees in one department it limits the amount of chaos. For these reasons in my opinion i would like to work in a mechanistic organisational structure, as it allows me to know exactly who i report to and where i have to be and when with out any other confusion from others.

  20. I would prefer to work in a organic chain of command because it is more flexible, which means that the job can easily be changed as needs in the society change. This would also mean that i, as an employee, can be satisfied and reach my self actualization, resulting in an increase in the quality of the job.

  21. actually, in my opinion it depends. In fact these two systems share different characteristic:
    If I work in a mechanistic system and I am a specialized worker, I feel more safety, because the organization needs my work for a long time; otherwise if I am a generical worker, I have less importance in the organization mechanism, so I have less security for my future.
    If the organization use an organic system, the situation is different(but not totally): here, a specialized worker has less importance, because of the possible change in the organization system, while a generical worker , because of his flexibility, should be more interesting for the organization.
    Nicola Iezza

  22. At the beginning of my career I would work in an organic organization since I don't have a lot of experience, because it gives you more opportunities to express yourself and your knowledge, and also to learn from your collegues and your bosses since you can communicate with them thanks to the flexibility of the organization, eventhought this tipe of organization gives an opportunity to everyone it may have some weaknesses, since the decision-making process is made by different people, it could create misunderstandings and rivalries. Althought the mechanistic organization doesen't give the opportunity of improving to the employees, it is caracterised by a high specialization, and the decision-making process is easyer than the organistic one, since just a few and specialised people can do it, so I would work in this tipe of organization when I have achieved more experience, because big and important businesses use this tipe of structure, since they have a lot of employees.

  23. It is difficult to answer just because it can depend from the position you hold into the business. If I was a top manager I would enjoy to work into a mechanistic organization just because I think that this kind of organization is more influenced from his managers decisions. Instead if I was a non-manager worker I would like to work into an organic organization just because it is less strict and let more decision-making power to his workers.

  24. I prefer working in the organic organization. personally for me it is more interesting and challenging to work in the place where I can make some decisions myself. Mechanistic organization will not be as challenging as organic therefore i will become less motivated and will not have ability to gain new skills.

  25. Andrea Gaudiomonte
    Since I do not know in which context I would be such as role, responsibilities, work environment, type of activity, ect, I'm actually not able to answer this question.

  26. I would rather work in an organic structure because it has a more flexible approach that i think best fits my abilities and skills,wheras a mechanistic organization has a more rigid structure that would create a more mechanic and rigid labour,where the creativity and indipendence of workers is not enhanced

  27. I think that depending on the role that I cover, I would like to be hired as a manager in a mechanistic organization and as a manager or employee in a organic organization. I love the creativity and business optimization.

  28. I think that I would probably work in a organic organization because the environment would be more suitable for me and because I would be able to develop my skills best. In the other hand the mechanistic organization has a rigid structure that would probably interfere with my creativity and my thought and I'm sure that my skills would not develop for the best.

  29. It depends. But maybe I'd prefer to work in an organic structure because I would be able to learn a lot thanks to the flexibility that it has.

  30. I will prefer to work in an organic structure , because it is an organization that can face the unstable and dynamic environments ,and can quickly adapt to changes . Also because organic structures practice joint specializations , the employees work together and they coordinate their tasks .

  31. I would work in an organic organization rather than the mechanistic one because, thanks to the flexibility, the free flow of informations and the decentralization, I would have more sense of meaning or purpose in the job opportunities for personal development and so, I would be more motivated and especially versatile, in order to perform different tasks.

  32. I would prefer to work in the organic fields since it provides more opportunities and profits. Since organic field is one of the fields which has large variety, business possibilities are higher. Also, there will always be a demand for organic matter which means that is it a safe business investment. In countries, like Turkey, where organic businesses are popular (corporations are private small business owners) there are many business opportunities that may have not been present in the mechanical fields. For example, by making an investment for a small private producer, a decent income generating facility can be created.

  33. I feel that in an organic organization my work would be much more enjoyable and motivating. Due to the flexibility and the possibility to cooperate with other workers, I think that the final result of tasks and projects would be faster but at the same time better done.

  34. Well actually since a 100% mechanistic organization does not exist there is no way to compare the two different solutions. Anyway in my opinion a more rigid structure can guarantee a more efficient service because everyone has his own activity which he is specialized in. By logic this activity must not be stressfull or limiting for the mental and physical growth of the individual (as I wrote in a comment in Blog 19)

  35. I would like to work in an organic organization,because i like to make a decisions and i would like to engage my creativity into the work.

  36. I think I would like to start working in a organic structure because it would give me the opportunity to learn more and be capable and experienced, since this organization is more flexible and cross-functional.
    After acquiring skills I would love to work in a mechanistic organizational structure because I would like to have a voice in decisions and work in an high specialized structure.

  37. Probably i will prefer work in an organic organization because ''humans'' (so every kind of employee) is considered important also in the decision-making.Organization must be as a perfect machine in which every kind of employee has his own duty and his own reputation and training .Thanks to organization's flexibility employees will be able to change labour immediately and facing every kind of work,differently from mechanic organization the organic followig this''startegy'' it will provide his effectiveness and efficiency

  38. Since the mechanistic or organic structure is generally based on the environment in which it operates, I'd like to work for an organization that best fits the needs of the company.
    If you could choose, however, would prefer to work in an organic structure. If the risk to fail or to make wrong decisions which could compromise the firm is high, it faces dynamic environments and needs to quickly adapt. I find that flexibility is a great resource, a source of insights and ideas that can really make a difference on a front of competition. In addition, if the mechanistic structure has high specialization of its employees, on the other hand we can see that teamwork and collaboration gives better results than what you can do to as an individual. Furthermore, free flow of informations ensures the spreading of knowledge, giving employees the opportunity to show to their potential.

  39. At the first sight, I would say that I would prefer the organic organization, because it is more flexible and give opportunities to gain new knowledge and abilities. Anyway, we should consider the external and internal environment but also the personality of employees. Maybe, somebody wants a secure environment, doing a job that he/she knows very well, despite the rigid and controlled structures. I personally wouldn't mind to work in any of these companies, if it will be necessary.

  40. I prefer to work in a organic structure, since it can provide me more opportunities to learn new things and get in touch with different information. Whereas if I work in a mechanistic structure which has a rigid departmentalization it will be very hard for me to understand how other departments work. But I think that if I were the owner of the firm, I would like it to be mechanistic, due to the facility of control.

  41. I personally would like to work in an organizational structure. I like to participate in decision-making process, to be flexible and to learn new things during my daily work. Participating in different jobs, according to business needs, will make me satisfied and more productive.

  42. I perfer to work in an organic organization . i don't like the rules , because in the mechanistic firm everything should be ruled. and also they ruled in which time you should do something and you forbidden to do something. If i participate in a flexible place i will take all my passion in my work and also can create huge value of myself.

  43. I would like rather work in a organic. Because it is cross-functional teams, cross-hierarchical teams, free flow of information, wide spans of control, decentralization, and low formalization.

  44. Mechanistic structures are mainly for companies that operate in a stable environment, use a centralized approach of authority, and maintain strong loyalty for management. Organizations that use a Mechanistic type of structure generally do not need to change or adapt their structure. Organic structures are used in organizations facing unstable environments and must possess the ability to change accordingly .I think having organic structures are more natural to human interaction and society than mechanical structures, and therefore are more healthier for organizations. Though certain companies can’t avoid using mechanical structures, most companies that have organic structures benefit from the fluidity of their employees autonomy.
    So i prefer work in a organic structures because it is more flexible and i can to participate in decision-making process.

  45. maybe i use the machine to help me work.because we can control the machine and the machine didn't have mood but the organic organization will have some bad feeling and they will affect the's so bad.

  46. Diana Cerquetani25 October 2014 at 19:21

    As the blog before I prefer to have much more responsibilities but knowing to be important and to fell proud of myself. Probably it is much complicated and I could have more liabilities but I would be happy to improve, through my work, the value of the Firm.

  47. In my point of view I wanna do a job in that organisation where my involvement would be more and I can also participate in decision making. Where my views and ideas should also be concerned. And that is Organic one.

  48. Please someone should help me with this question,
    Explain at least 5 reasons that cause organisation to change from mechanistic to organic design
