Wednesday 1 October 2014

Blog 12 - The objective of your private school

1) You are an entrepreneur and you want to open a private high school in your City. Write the mission statement, describing separately its What, How and Why, distinguishing two cases:
a) You are an unethical entrepreneur who wants just to maximize profit
b) You are an ethical entrepreneur who wants to have profit operating ethically


  1. b) WHAT: a school that will give a different students a different point of view.
    HOW: Special teachers will be engaged
    WHY: Let students having a better future
    a)WHAT: a school that will give me many students and moneys.
    HOW: Opening in the center with an high chance to pass it.
    WHY: letting me having more students.

  2. I’m an unethical entrepeneur, why am I opening a private high school in my city? Obviously only to make profit. Yes I open my school, I promise to every costumer any kind of service if they pay an amount every year.For example I oblige people to pay one beautiful chimical lab but the students won’t use it. I oblige people to pay heating and light but during the winter I don’t turn the heat on, and I don’t permit student to use the light. How can I do that? Only through my words. Yes there is one art, born at Socrate’s time thanks to whose people were able to corrumpt everyone through the words. They were sophists, I am sophist too now. I know what people want, I study human mind and I promise people what they are looking for. How to justify my behaviour? Only continuing to lie, and promise, promise and promise, because people confident they will believe in me.

    I’m an ethical entrepeneur and I am opening a private high school in my city affordable by who pays but also by those people who are really good students and can afford the cost of the school winning scholarship offered by me. So I don’t promise unattainable things, but I focus my goal to what it’s better for my students, I’m listening their needs, and I try to do my best to satisfy them in order to create the best environment to study. How can I do this? I won’t be too much busy only for listening, I’ll employ qualified staff and every service I’ll promise will be maintained by my-self.


  3. 1a) The mission of our school is to provide a good teaching quality for less money.

    WHAT: offer an education service
    How: use new teaching methods used by young teachers (lower wages), use moderne but not
    new learning tools and material (lower cost). Use the same teaching methods in a long term
    (low future investments).
    WHY: try to maximize a short term and eventually a long term profit.

    In this situation, if ethics does not matter to me. I want to make good money by promising a good service (which may answer the actual needs) but I´m not interested in keeping that promise. Reducing the inputs without investing part of the profit in the school ( the quality, if there, wont last long). I will offer price price reductions to people who pay in advance more school years at once. People will so be less motivated to change school. This system could damage many stakeholders.

    1b)The mission of our school is to develop young minds, develop their creativity and understanding by proving effective teaching methods in a modern school structure where students enjoy learning.

    WHAT: offer a private high quality education service
    HOW: through modern teaching methods such as “spaced learnings” (lesson is combined
    with short physical exercises), student engagement (through various workshops and
    projects). The student will use modern and efficient learning tools and materials.
    Moreover, we guarantee a closer relation student / teacher.
    WHY: satisfy student´s wants and needs to learn in a dynamic, interesting and efficient way. We
    want students to enjoy their learning process

    In this situation I am an ethical entrepreneur. My aim is to create an excellent service which is necessary to produce value for many stakeholders (not only the students). In order achieve this objective, i have to renovate constantly the structure, the equipment and invest on a high qualified staff. Profit is not only my personal motivation, but also my instrument in order to keep the school to its high standards and guarantee its survival. Basically I want that my school reaches the status of an economic equilibrium and in order to do that, I can´t use an unethical strategy.

  4. Unethical entrepreneur

    What : A school that increase my profit
    How: i could engage an ordinary teachers to reduce costs and to increase revenues ( a teachers which give good marks even if the students are not so good )
    Why : to enhance entries of students therefore to increase my profit

    Ethical entrepreneur
    What: A school that could give a better future for students
    How: A good teacher and also many extracurricular activities to improve student's skills
    Why: it guarantees a good teaching

  5. 1.a) Unethical entrepreneur
    WHAT: a private school
    HOW: employing inexperienced mediocre teachers at minimum wages, give marks on the basis of the paid fee
    WHY: to have as many students as possible to achieve the maximum net income
    1.b) Ethical entrepreneur
    WHAT: a private school
    HOW: employing established teachers (better if young), give possibility of scholarships for students who can’t afford the rent, establish contact with firms in the nearby in order to create a link between school and job world
    WHY: provide students with a better education

  6. A)
    What: Private school
    How: the entrepreneur gives importance to advertisement, describing the place pretending it has a great playground, every kind of entertainment, well prepared teachers, all type of service like school bus. All these services are paid weekly by a large amount of money. But these will remain solely promises and only when there will be much capital, services could start. It’s what we call manipulation.
    Why: not to give a place where kids can learn and play, but only to make profit exploiting parents money.
    What: Private school
    How: the entrepreneur collects a group of fresh graduated boys and girls who want to make experience and together they rent some rooms, then work together to build the school. Advertisement is by distribution of pamphlets on the road. They buy teaching and school stuff adopted to students, not too little or too big. They organize open door activities after lessons or study group to improve student’s knowledges. The services are paid monthly with modest compense.
    Why: the product is an enjoyable and useful place for customers, where parents can thoughtless leave their kids also for the whole day. Also young teachers can experience from this and gain some money.

  7. What: a school that gives everyone the same learning opportunity
    Why because there are not enough opportunities for young people in my opinion
    How by paying the right amount of taxes,by giving a high pay to teachers and by having the best quality possible of the leaning environment
    I would focus all my attention on recruiting high income families students if i was unethical
    if i were to be ethical,i would maximise the learning environment and recruiting the best teachers

  8. Case A: Unethical entrepreneur;
    -What: Private school
    -How: hiring teachers without experience at a low cost and without offering students activities related to school.
    -Why:Just to make profit by using the opportunity of opening a school where young people would go.

    Case B: ethical entrepreneur;
    What: Private school.
    How: Hiring the best teachers and paying them with right wages, proposing activities for students ad giving the opportunity to study for everyone through scholarships.
    Why: It is important to start building the basics of our society in the school giving important lessons in how to deal with life.

  9. 1A) If I would be an unethical entrepreneur that want just to maximize the profits opening a private schoool I would act with this mission statement:
    -WHAT: A private high school suitable for whoever will pay.
    -HOW : Take as much students as possible ensuring them an high school diploma, where you do not need to study because as long as you pay you have the certification of your private studies. I will use a small building with a reduced staff and, with them, I will cover all the specific subjects requested for each different study orientation, obviously offering a very low education to my students.
    -WHY: I will give the possibility to all the family to find a school adapted for their childrens that do not want to study, giving them the possibility to get all the different kinds of diploma through an expensive payment.

    1B) If I would be an ethical entrepreneur that want to open an high school operating ethically my mission statement will be:
    -WHAT: A private high school with high standards and quite expensive fees.
    -HOW: The school will be suitable for whoever will pay, I will give the possibility to choose between two or three study orientations, having teachers that will work ethically and which will prepare students for universities and for a work career.
    -WHY: I will give the possibility to the students to be followed, in a smaller atmosphere, by the professors which will train them using high standards method justifying parents sacrificies to get an high valued diploma.

  10. unethical entrepreneur:
    what: a private school
    how: ensuring students high marks ( high request ), teachers not qualified and modern but not useful equipments.
    why: maximize my profits

    ethical entrepreneur:
    what:a private school
    how: entrance exams which select just the best students, high qualified and experienced teachers, extra curricular activities
    why: have profits in an ethical way assuring a future to my students.

  11. CASE A :
    If I were an unethical enterpreneur, I would open an expensive private school in which students can get high marks without studying, but paying extra money. I would have un-experienced and un-qualified teachers as my staff. I would accept founds from the government and use them for my own interest, forgetting the needs of my school. I would try to maximize my profits, without taking care of the other stakeholders in a short term, not re-investing my profits to improve my service.

    WHAT: a private school, that offers poor service at a too high price;
    HOW: assuring a false certification to paying students, employing inefficient and unqualified staff;
    WHY: to satisfy my needs and needs of unscupulous people,in order of creating economic value;
    FOR WHOM: for me, the owner, damging and not taking care to the other stakeholder's interest;
    HOW CREATE VALUE: in an unethical and unsustainable way, even illegal;
    IN WHAT TIME: in the shortest- term as possible, only to maximize my profits.

    CASE B:
    If I were an ethical enterpreneur, I would open a private school that guarantees a good and efficient service at a reasonable price for everybody that can afford to pay it, while I would offer scholarships to worthy students without financial possibilities, not only for a philantropic responsibility, but in order to promote my school and my teaching methods. I would offer high-experienced and efficient teachers, who operate with economicity. I would assure my students great opportunities for their futures, providing them the best education. I would offer a good service in a safe and modern environment through new and technological supports and structures, that respect the environment, too. Finally I would help my students to get a job, through working- stages during their school years.

    WHAT: an efficient and reliable private school;
    HOW: providing my students with the best education I can offer, through new and updated teaching methods;
    WHY: to satisfy the needs of students and of the community too (assuring a well prepared working class);
    FOR WHOM: for all the stakeholder's interest;
    HOW CREATE VALUE: in a sustainable way, considering the economic responsibility, the legal responsibility, the ethical responsibility and the philantropic responsibility;
    In WHAT TIME: in a long and short- term to ensure the survival and qualitative and quantitative devolopment.

    1. This has really centered the aspects we are considering, the differences between conducting a firm in a sustainable way and that of unethical entrepreneurs.

      I would just ask two questions:

      1. Providing students the best education, how could you assure them great opportunities for their future? I mean in what way aside from offering high quality teaching methods.

      2. We'd have a similar situation with 'Bocconi' as your competitor for the case B, I would imagine. How would your private school be better than it?

      Thank you very much for this comment. It helps me a lot to understand better these aspects of operating in an unethical way and in a sustainable way.

  12. A
    What ? : A building like any other , " covered " by name school
    How ? : Using grant funds , sponsors and implicit clients money
    Why ? : Because my aim its just to make profit .

    What ? : Private school
    How ? : Providing the oportunity to access education at European Level , based on a rational-emotive and behavioral education , able to provide healthy , harmonious and free development .
    Why ? : In an educational system that is not preciseky perfect , private school is the solution , because certainly we want correctness , exigency and stable values .

  13. 1. An unethical entrepreneur :
    a) Mission: To maximize the profit
    b) What : We offer lessons for different subjects
    c) How: Through the teaching staff inside the school buiding
    d) Why: In order to reach my mission
    2. An ethical entrepreneur
    a) Mission: Offering high quality lessons and services to the best selected students of the area in order to give them general and professional knowledge's .
    b) What: One of the best private high school in the city.
    c) How: The best professional teaching staff and the best school infrastructure
    d) Why:For a better future the school is key of success.

  14. If was an unethical entrepreneur that just wants to maximize the profit. I would open a private school with a very high annual fee that in exchange would provide essential services without particular attention to the quality and preparation of the personnel staff. The commitment of the students would be minimal: just a sufficient application will enable students to achieve excellent results.
    WHAT=a private school with the purpose of gain
    HOW=ensuring high marks to students and take a low-skilled staff
    WHY= try to pay back the costs by maximizing the profit in the shortest time possible
    If I were an ethical entrepreneur. I would like to open a private school in which the main objective is not so much the profit but a high preparation of students. The staff that I would choose should have a high cultural preparation, capable of contributing to the harmonious development of personality of students thanks to the contribution of other educational agencies in the area. Only in this way, the guys will have a chance to take the world of work easily. Particular attention will be placed on the use of efficient laboratories and multimedia rooms.
    WHAT=a private school that can provide efficient services
    HOW= offering students an efficient structure with trained personnel with the aim of educating the guys
    WHY= provide students with adequate preparation that could be used in the business world.

  15. Unethical entrepreneur:
    My mission is to maximizing my profit minimizing costs
    What: have an ordinary building possibly that has a good placement.
    How: hiring low quality teachers to reduce costs, doing a lot of advertising and have high fees
    Why: attract as many students as possible even is services aren’t too efficient to reach my mission
    Ethical entrepreneur:
    My mission is tho give an excellent instruction to my students and provide them with a nice structure with efficient services
    What: a nice and well organized structure
    How: hiring high quality teachers
    Why: to provide a good preparation to each and every student of mine

  16. I think Italy is an example of the great difference that exists between public schools and private schools. In the 60s the Italian school system was one of the best systems and the percentage of students who chose to continue their studies was greatly increased.
    It may seem absurd, but in our day the situation has changed dramatically decreases the number of students who continue or complete their training.
    It 's true that it depends mainly by students and by their commitment, but we must also reflect on the causes of this change and deterioration.
    How would Sinek: "People do not buy what you do, but why you do it."
    What would happen if I were a business owner and want to open a private school?
    We analyze two cases:
    1a) I want to act in an unethical manner and have sole objective profit maximization
    1b) I want to maximize profits by acting in ethically.
    Answer using the schema of Sinek.
    1a) WHAT: Provide a private school system, accessible only to those who can afford the costs.
    HOW : Use modern technology without innovative teaching methods.
    WHY: To maximize my profit and give less attention to to the educational model.
    I want to earn in the short and long term by creating an elite group of customers selected on the basis of their portfolio.
    With the passage of time, this business will bring many damage to : businessman, funders and customers.
    1b) WHAT: Provide a competitive private school system on the market.
    HOW: use modern technology to promote the educational methods of modern teachers and professional interested in obtaining optimum performance from their students.
    WHY: to get a high school level, which is accessible to students who want to invest in their future.
    I want to ensure an innovative and efficient solution which will lead, in the long run, higher profits, satisfied customers and an expansion of demand in the goods market.

  17. a)what: a private high school
    why: I want to have more profits and be richer
    how: all the students will pay high taxes but they will get their diploma easily, other kinds of favoritism must be paid with kickbacks, teachers will have low wages,
    b) What: an efficient private high school
    Why: students will be the future workers of our society so it’s important to let them be knowledgeable and well educated.
    How: students will pay fair taxes, teachers will be high qualified and will have great wages, students will have more opportunities to get a job (if they don’t want to attend university) or to get into the university because of the classes they can attend in my school.

  18. I am an entrepreneur and I have a capital to invest for the opening of a private school in my city , after having asked the permission to the gouvernment and after the payment of the buildings I have two choises to manage my school.

    a)I am an unethical entrepreneur and I just want to maximize the profit.What? A private high school. Why? because I don't care about next generations importance on the field of work and I just think to my enrichment. How? I invest a lot on advertising, I impose high taxes for all the students, promising them a better plan of study , the better in the city, also if it is not true. Then I assume young unemployed teachers who find job , and also retired teachers who cannot work in public schools, but I pay them very little,taking the advantage of their situation.

    b)I am an ethical entrepreneur.What? A effective and an efficient private high school. Why? I don't care about money , I just look for the cultural and ethical development of every guy , for having in the future a society full of good workers and good citizens.How?I assume only honors theachers and I pay them according to their quality and frequency of their work. The taxes for students are not equals, it depends on their income, I offer scholarships,trips and job opportunities abroad for honors students and I program several meetings between students, me and teachers for discussing about the problems and the different points of view for improvement of the structure.

  19. A) I'm an unethical enterpreneur and I decided to open a private school in my city
    WHAT: I'll open an ''easy'' school that allow to the students to do normal course of studying and also recover some school years lost. The school was empty of modern service they are all the basic instrument to have a good lesson
    HOW: I will assume some cheap professors that don't have enough knowledge of their subject but they will do easy test so students can pass exam also without studying. The students that have to recover school years lost can pay more than the others to pass easily the exam, so I will have more profit without forcing my customers.
    WHY: my aim should be create an easy school that allows everybody to take the High School diploma in an easy way just payig more than the others

    B) I'm an ethical enterpreneur and I want to open a school in my city.
    WHAT: I'll create a school in which the contribute are related with the ISEE(like university) and allows poor people to get diploma in my school even if they don't have enough money to pay taxes, I also create a system of buy-selling old and new books to help the book-sharing between students. My school have a triple address: Scientific, Classic and Linguistic and the Scientific Course has a special class with deaf-mute students that have lessons by particular professors that can use LIS language, so they can take a normal diploma in my school paying a little supplement to help the school paying their professor
    HOW: I'll assume not too expensive ad famous professors but some teachers enough able to teach their subject with the right knowledge and able to create medium-difficult tests that allows the students to have a good skill to face the university in the best way.
    WHY: I'll create this kind of school to help guys to be able to face the university with their own force, to improve their love for culture and to create good citizen.

  20. A)I'm an unethical entrepreneur and I just want to maximize profit:
    The mission:
    WHAT: Pratically, my company offers any certificate of higher diploma you desire, in exchange for money.
    HOW: will hire teachers and examiners easily corruptible, they in fact do not have to prepare 'students', but will have to propose elementary homeworks and suggest answers.
    You will not be required to participate in a class, or rather, who will be absent will be rewarded, since I can save on electricity, gas, water and works to the facility. All this of course within the limits, lest I be exposed denunciations or closed the business.
    WHY: My why is just to maximize profit, providing a service which allows people to save time and effort thanks to an adequate sum of money.
    I'd like to underline that I'm in total agreement with Freeman and I'm going to create value for shareholders: just for the owner, me, in an unsustainable way, and in a short term. I would like, in fact, to earn enough money to enjoy my life and then close the activity: I can't stand risky situations!
    B) I'm an ethical entrepreneur and I want to have a sustainable profit:
    WHAT: I want to open a very prestigious school, focused on discipline and preparation of students.
    HOW: I will invest on both facilities, which will be modern and functional, but above all on the teachers. Teachers will be the advertising of my school (sometimes a name is a guarantee of quality). I'll take advantage of the importance of culture and I will make it clear to people that the study is an investment. The payment rate will then become a priority for families. Examinators will be often called to guarantee that my school is excellent.
    WHY: To provide a basic preparation which allows to continue with academic study in the best possible way.
    I'm going to create an enormous value for my stakeholders: customers will be well-prepared, modern structures will allow me to use renewable resources, my suppliers will have a very good reputation and the government will be undirectly satisfied by the knowledge that my school is spreading. I'll create value for shareholders and stakeholders in both short and long-term. My activity has many chances to grow up and develop, in a sustainable way.

  21. If I'm an unethical entrpreneur:
    -What: service of theaching in arts subjects;
    -How: by employing teachers without expertise and underpaid, by using nice buildings without adequate interior structures, by creating very large classes of students;
    -Why: to maximize my profit.
    If, instead, I'm an ethical entrepreneur:
    -What: service of high level teaching in arts subjects;
    -How: by looking for the best teachers, by creating small classes of students, by offer a lot of services as workshops, internet sources and confortable structures;
    -Why: to meet the needs of artistic knowledge of young people.

  22. A) if I had a school to manage in an unethical way I would open a school where the students don't have any issues to pass the exams. I would spend few money for the teaching staff also if it can mean to have teachers of bottom line. I would purchase everything should be in a great school like pc, tv, multimedia room but in a low quality because i would need of these for my advertising campaign, because I would spend a big stake on money in advertise. I would give to the students every kind of stuffs to meet their needs about fan like an free wifi, some playground and an enjoyable bar where they can meet each other and spend good time.
    Why: create value for the owner
    How: building a school where the students can meet each other having funny days and enjoying their time there, not studying but just having fun.
    What: a private school
    B) if I managed a private school in an ethical way I would spend my money building the school in an pleasure environment. Hiring the best teachers on the market and spend money to improve and fulfill my teaching staff. Obviously it would be important have a technological school with multimedia rooms to keep the students on the truck. I would invest some money for the free time structure with playgrounds, an bar, and maybe a gym.
    Why: offering a pleasant and challenging school which can teach to the students how enjoyable can be the time spend on books.
    What: a private school
    How: hiring the best teachers and spending money and time to improve and satisfied my teaching staff, improving in this way the school's quality

  23. 1 I am an unhetical interprenaur, who wants just to maximize his profit
    what: a private school in which the cost is equal for everyone who want to enter in it, located into a cheap bulding, that probably isn't thought for scolarsheep, with bad materals( chairs, tables etc..)
    why: for my own interest and, if there are, for the interests of the other owners. My only want is to maximize profit in a short term and not look to the future
    how: In order to reach my why, in addition to what I alrleady have said, I will take not expensive theachers( so maybe, who did not entered in the public school), I will money to the students for parking, for wi-fi, for teaching materials and also for pass the exams without studying.
    2) I am an intereneur who wants to make an ethical profit
    what: A private school of high quality, that maximize the qualities of its students
    why: of course to have a profit, but also to be a social help for who wants to have a school that prepare him to the world of work and in general to the adult life.
    how: buying a good comlex of buildings, with a good dispotions of the classrooms, laboratories and gym, taking the best teacer I can, doing events of sport and culture for my students, in order to give them the possibility to show themselves.

  24. Emiliano Laurenzi10 October 2014 at 18:08

    If I were the owner of a private school who acts in an ethical manner:

    What: To train students prepared

    Why: To increase the skills and knowledge of young people to prepare them for their future

    How to: Hiring qualified and trained teachers, providing structures and methods of advanced study.

    If I were the owner of a private school who acts in an unethical manner:

    What: Providing a smooth path of study

    Why: To increase my profit

    How: Ensuring the promotion and a full-service in terms of sports facilities, recreation and assistance.

  25. A) I am an unethical entrepreneur who is interested in only maximizing profit
    -What: Have as many registered students as possible and earning from their expensive registrations a lot of money
    -How: My school is very expensive, making parents think that the reason why they have to pay so much is because they're enrolling their kids in an exclusive school. But their real want is to see their kids graduate. So i guarantee all the students a diploma by hiring a decent team of teachers and all the money we will earn from the registrations won't be use by providing a lot of material for the students but just for the school owner's good.
    -Why: to increase my own profit

    B) I am an ethical entrepreneur interested in having profit operating ethically
    -What: Have many registration requests and form prepared students
    -How: My school is private not because with parents' payments we will guarantee only a diploma but because my interest is to train very well all the students by providing them an excellent ten of teachers and all the material they need. Also for students who will get left behind, we'll give the opportunity to be followed by tutors who will help them to recover.
    -Why: I care about the future and most of all I care about our students. So my main objective is to have profit guaranteeing an excellent preparation to our students.

  26. a) If I were an unethical entrepreneur, the goal of my activity would be to maximize profit. To do so I would probably hire low qualified teachers (in order to pay minor wages) and pretend that their level of education is instead high. Moreover, I would do everything possible to make the school famous. Advertisements and commercials could be a good idea (as well as the attribution of high marks without merit).
    WHAT: a low-level service
    HOW: hiring unqualified staff, rewarding degree certification without merit in return for money
    WHY: to maximize my profit
    b) In the second case my objective is to meet the students’ needs. To do so I have to create an efficient and reliable private school whose reputation is based on the quality of the education the students receive from high qualified teachers.
    WHAT: a high-level service
    HOW: providing my students with the best education I can offer, through new and updated teaching methods;
    WHY: to meet the needs of students and of society

  27. a, an unethical entrepreneur who wants just to maximize profit
    What: a private school with high service for students
    How: providing short-terms with high service, and enabling graduates fastest
    Why: high tuition fee and high service price -> hight profit
    b, an ethical entrepreneur who wants to have profit operating ethically
    What: private school with highest quality and affordable tuition fee
    How: well-known prof as well as highly qualified teacher provide the best knowledge
    Why: Student progress is the goal of my school

  28. )In case of unethical entrepreneur:
    What: Private school, only for the children who come from the wealthy families
    How: Providing education, that will ensure that students will pass the exam, however not focusing or spending resources on extracurricular activities
    Why: To have maximum profits
    In case of ethical entrepreneur:
    What: Private school that will have exam to enroll and only children with higher scores get enrolled (does't matter they come from wealthy or poor families)
    How: providing scholarships and many other opportunities for the students who are eager to study.
    Why: to make change in the world and invest in future generation

  29. Unethical Entrepreneur;

    High Class high school, only taking the elite and wealthy to provide a unique education keeping those wealthy away from the normal person. Portraying a message that if you are wealthy it is important your child comes to this school not because of the brilliant education but for the groups that they will mix with and will only be wealthy people.

    Provide Low qualified Teachers that pay is a minimum. Add lots of extra onto tuition for example sports equipment, extra activities so on that fees will increase for everything extra that the child wants to do but charge a premium price. Teaching equipment can be basic but made to seem like expensive for example all kids have apple macs but this is just a hidden extra cost for the parent but will be charged at full price when the school had negotiated with apple a bulk buy price, and make compulsory every child has one.

    To maximise profits

    Ethical Entrepreneur;

    Private School that specialises in elite people but in given subjects not by how much money they have. Skill tests will be carried out and only the top percentages will be able to enrol in the school. Giving the best in education and sport with great facilities and opportunities.

    Offering a high class education at lowest price possible, normally based on family income. Those with lower income pay less through scholarships and bursaries. No hidden costs, only the best for lowest possible cost.

    To provide the best education and opportunities possible for the next generation so our country carries on to strive


    WHAT ? I want open a private hish school because in this way will only students from wealthy families who can afford to pay a very high amount of money per year. Also all students have a good and rich education and they will find and stay only with wealthy people.
    HOW? provide teachers with good teaching excellence and qualified and who will be paid a lower salary. In most lessons will be possible an activity extra cultural but that will cost more.
    WHY? In this way I will have a maximum profit and I can invest my money in interest the most enjoyable and important

    WHAT? Open a private school that can guarantee at all even in the poorest people a good education and good teaching to enter the world of work. For those who can not afford this school there are aggevolazioni doing extra school work
    WHY? to build the future of the youth of tomorrow and to give those who can not afford even a way to succeed in their future tomorrow

  31. a) unethical entrepreneur

    WHAT: a private school which offers an education service

    HOW: offering long-terms teaching methods ( low costs in the future), employing inexperienced teachers at a minimum wage, giving good marks in order to have more students’ fees

    WHY: to have the best profit’s maximization and so the biggest number as possible of students

    b) ethical entrepreneur

    WHAT: a private school which offers a high quality education service

    HOW: offering new teaching methods, links and connections with others schools and universities ( scholarships), internal school’s events to stimulate students to collaborate with each other (projects, study tours ecc.)

    WHY: provide students with a high quality education and a better educational experience.

  32. Ethical Entrepreneur:
    What - Provide decent qualiy education while making a profit.
    How - Offering education with the best resources my investments could buy. Entrance requirements would be present also in order to keep the student levels similar to each other.
    Why - To offer decent education for our countries youth who are our future.

    Unethical Entrepreneur:
    What - A private school where education level is not the highest priority, gaining the maximum amount of profit is.
    How - Cutting down on expenses such as experienced teachers, good quality capital, facilities, etc. and admitting the highest amount of students.
    Why - Since expenses are minimized, the initial investment would be lower. By admitting the highest number of students, the education quality would be sacrificed in order to increase profits.

  33. Ethical:
    What -School with a deep study different languages
    How - Teachers from different countries will teach students their mother tongue, also students will have possibility to stay in each country for a few months to learn more about the culture and language.
    Why - To give children the opportunity to develop culturally and morally, to gain experience of communicating with people from different cultures.

    What - Private school
    How - By asking high fees and in the same time having bad quality of teaching staff to reduce costs
    Why- To make profit

  34. Ethical Entrepreneur:
    What: a private school with a lot of services for all the students
    How: trying to solve all their problems, employing excellent teachers..
    Why: to guarantee a better life, a future, to all the students
    Unethical Entrepreneur
    What: a private school with a lot of students in order to receive a lot of money
    How: employing inexperienced teachers in order to reduce all the costs.
    Why: in order to increase my profit.

  35. Unethical entrepreneur.

    I want to open a private school in my city because it will provide all students a good education without studying and getting busy too much.
    I will put in this school young teachers who just graduated in a university and who doesn’t need to pass any kind of contest to get this work. Professors won’t be very rigid and won’t take into consideration the overall students tendency for the final marks. This way we let students not to fail any academic year without getting no debts.
    Young professors don’t claim high payments so I can minimize salaries and maximize students fees for making a higher profit. School fees will be quite expensive, so since only rich families could afford this kind of private education, I think that paying so high taxes won’t represent a problem for them.

    Ethical entrepreneur.

    I want to open a private school in my city because it will provide all students of more activities and services than a common public school does.
    I will put in this school well-selected teachers, coming from prestigious realities who will do their best to hand their knowledge down to the students. Furthermore, through school fees we will organize lots of amazing activities like international exchange, sports tournaments, extra repetitions and so on. Professors will give a lot but at the same time they expect the same.
    It’s a great way to give a good education, but in order to do that we need extra payments than a public school.

  36. Ethical entrepreneur

    What: a private school that gives a very good education to every student in different form of teaching, offering a good services.

    How: New methods of teaching using modern material, organizing conference, meeting for all students in order to develop education, knowledge and skills.

    Why: Helping students in their mission and at the same time try to maximize a profit in ethical way.
    In this way , ethics is fundamental for me and I want to focus on interest of students and guarantee a good relations between students and professors.

    Unethical entrepreneur

    What: a private school that gives a general education to students , providing services and teaching at low costs.

    How: Using modern but not new materials for students, mediocre professors with lower wages and giving a good evaluation not considering the knowledge and skill of students but the paid fee.

    Why: maximize only profit and personal revenue.

  37. 1. Unethical
    What: A private school
    How: Hire cheap staff, Lot of students in one class, high fee, exams that are easy to pass
    Why: low costs for the highest profit

    2. Ethical
    What: A private school
    How: Good qualified staff, small classes with personnal attention for students, normal wages for the teachers
    Why: Make profit

  38. Diana Cerquetani25 October 2014 at 17:13

    a) I'm an unethical entrepreneur
    My Why is: I want to maximize my profit so I'm not interested in useful project or whatever that I have to pay.
    My How is: I can do it thanks to my unethical behavior so I recruit people without experience or people that other schools don't want so i've to pay them a cheap amount of money; probably also in the construction of the school I choose all the material that costs me less. In this way my school will be not safe and with an incompetent teacher stuff but the thing that will attire people will be the easy way to pass the exams. The only thing that I have to pay more is the forniture because the parents that probably could be rich people wants to see a perfect designed school. So the only aspects that I have really to take into considerations are all those that affect the aesthetic of the place. The What obviously is the private school.

    b) I'm an ethical entrepreneur
    My Why is: I want to provide a really good service because a I want to teach to a generation the will be the future of Italy and for me is important to ask myself 'Are you really doing the best of you?' and the answer has to be always 'Yes, sure'.
    My How is: I will recruit only the best young teacher (because I want to help all the young people that are well in what they do and give them a possibility to show this), I will provide all the best structures possible that the students need of and I also want to start project with others school to have discussion and then to know if the strategy is the right one for my school. Also I desire to know my students and reward the bests of them. The What is a private school.

  39. a)what:it is school to get the profit
    how:though a good learning environment to attract people to school and high fees
    why:only provide good infrastructure to attract people enrolled and profit.
    b)what:it is a school for student who didn't have enough money to go to school and study.
    how:make a well learning environment for student and give some student grants
    why:we want help more and more people to have knowledge and give them some skills to out of poor.

  40. Mission statement of unethical entrepreneur:

    We are opening a private school in your city. Our mission is to help you educate yourself. We are comprehensive if you have special needs and our courses are accessible to all, because they will be an affordable cost.

    WHY ': We want to help you.
    HOW: We make it easy
    WHAT: courses at low cost

    Mission statement of ethical entrepreneur:

    We believe in education and culture, because only then can we be free to decide for ourselves and for others. We have the best teachers that target your understanding and your education. The courses are tailored to your needs. We are opening a private school in your city.

    WHY: We believe in the culture
    HOW: with the best teachers that help you
    WHAT: tailor-made courses

  41. I think that Italy is an example of the great difference between public schools and private schools. In the 60's the Italian school system was one of the best systems and the percentage of steduenti who decided to continue their studies din was greatly increased.
    It may sound absurd, but nowadays it is no longer so, they are less and less students who go on to studies or who complete their training.
    it is true that it depends mainly by students and their commitment, but we must also reflect on the causes of this change, even worse.
    How would Sinek: "People do not buy what you do, but why you do it.
    What would happen if I were a business and wanted to open a private school?
    We analyze two cases:
    1a) I want to act in unethical way and have the sole objective the maximization of profit
    1b) I want to maximize profits by acting in an ethical manner.
    I answer using the scheme of Sinek
    1a) WHAT: offering a private school system, accessible only to those who can pay for it.
      HOW : Use modern technology without innovative teaching methods.
    WHY: maximize my profit leaving out the importance of the educational model.
      Being a private school does not guarantee a great educational model, especially if you do not have as its objective the creation of an efficient model
    Be directed only profit leads to losing sight of the goal: to create an excellent education system, ensure a high level of preparation of teachers.
    The only interest is to gain in the short and long term by creating an elite group of consumers, selected based on their portfolio.
    Over time this will lead many damages to business: businessman funders and customers
    1b) WHAT: to provide a modern education system, with excellent facilities and professional teachers.
    HOW: use technology and innovative teaching methods.
    WHY: to represent a high level of training, giving students the opportunity to invest in their future.

  42. First case: Unethical
    Mission: the aim of the school is to offer lessons and as a return they have to pay.
    What: a school that offers lessons
    How: Through the partecipation of professors in the class, students can learn
    Why: To have more students in the school, so my profit will be higher

    Case nr. 2: Ethical
    Mission: Creating a good reputation for our school through the best teaching methods and the best professors, in order to have the best students in the city and give them the right knowledges for their future career.
    What: The best high school in the areea
    How: Adopting the best teaching methods, through the best professors.
    Why: In order to be one of the best school in the area, and also to expand it in the whole country

  43. a. WHAT:A school can make the high revenue and's like a "money-making machine"
    HOW:To established near the centre of the city (the rent of the land cost not so high) when their are students want to enroll this school , they can easily pass the exam , increase the tuition , don't offered scholarship ,to organized many activities so that can let students to pay for it .
    WHY: want to get the high profit use the least cost
    b. WHAT:A best privacy high school for study and living
    HOW: teachers are the best and are polite. Students have many courses and activities to choose but they are free. Campus are big enough for students to have the lesson and to contact with the nature land.
    WHY: only because he is care about the student and wants to make a best school for many teenagers.
